Amanco – Toilet
Agency: DM9 DDB, Brazil

I love this banner ad for Amanco PVC soundproof pipes. Using animation and sound in a great way to advertise what could be a really dull product, humorously and creatively.

Banner ads are a great little space to test creativity. They have to do the job, get the message across and ultimately get the user to click through to the advertisers landing page. For a designer they are a perfect design challenge, a joy to work on! Given a nice brief plus a client who is happy to be a bit more adventurous, us designers can have some real fun.

Get the concept right and the rest follows. It’s a small space so animation is a perfect way to add humour, intrigue and tell a story .The “teaser” approach is always useful, revealing the message over various frames – the addition of a surprise element even better.

Unlike traditional, static press advertising there is even more room for creativity. Concept, imagery and headline should always be powerful whether you are designing a DPS, full page or small 8×1 mono column press ad – every element should be well considered and the message driven home in a new way. The same is true of the banner ad, and with the rise of digital it has opened up a new space for creatives to play with. Enjoy!