Landing page
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In online marketing, a landing page, sometimes known as a “lead capture page” or a “lander”, is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result or an online advertisement. The landing page will usually display directed sales copy that is a logical extension of the advertisement, search result or link.

Delivering an effective online advertising campaign is quite a challenge to get right but if done properly it is the perfect medium to get results, get new leads and generate sales.

Everyone that advertises online needs a specific landing page linked to their ad, otherwise the message is lost and your ad space a total waste of money. Say the ad is selling flights to Amsterdam, the ad should then link to details of those flights to Amsterdam and give users a reason to and a way to purchase those flights. Linking the ad to a generic homepage (so many banner ads do this) loses the audience and makes it complicated for the user to navigate to your offer.

Equally if you are offering a service and want people to subscribe thus generating new leads, your banner ad needs to link to the offer (e.g a weekly newsletter/bulletin) and include a form for users to subscribe.

How to design and write your landing page is critical. It must be easy for users to understand what it is you want them to do – where to click for more info, how to subscribe or buy.

A few basic rules:
• The headline/theme you use in your banner ad needs to continue on your landing page
• Give first time visitors an incentive to use (20% off, free evaluation….)
• Be inventive – test out a few variations and evaluate
• Send a follow up email to subscriber/purchaser so they know what to expect next